Saturday, December 24, 2011

Safe and Sound

great song. though no official video yet:) Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift
Just close your eyes
You'll be alright

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Abnormal Me and My Abnormal Dreams

Sometimes, I get irritated but most of the time its just too FUN. Yeah. I'm talking about myself and the times I imagine so many things. It tend to reach the wildest possibilities up to the farthest corner of the universe even the IMPOSSIBLE. I find myself, with these imagination, ABNORMAL. I don't care. I think it's kinda my hobby. It makes me feel not just good but GREAT. Greater than you can imagine. Know why? 'Coz my imagination beats yours. Anyways, let's get back on track. Why abnormal you say? Let me enumerate my imaginations far beyond possible:

1. POKEMON EXIST. Hell yeah. I often imagine myself traveling the whole world together with my favorite and super great team of POKEMON. I'll be battling other trainers and I would win. I will get all 8 badges and enter the Pokemon League.

2. I am the LEGENDARY AVATAR. I have the ability to bend WATER, EARTH, FIRE and AIR. I am undercover. Nobody should know who I am. But I can tell people I trust. I even imagine using my bending skills to go or rather fly home, scare my dormates, cool our room & I even imagine that those villains would attack my friends & I will protect them.

3. I have the HYUGA BLOODLINE. I have the Byakugan. I can do Juken. I can put my enemies to sleep with one attack 'coz I know what spot in their bodies to hit. Long-story short, I will have all abilities a Hyuga can have and learn.

4.  I will come across a $1000 bill. Have it exchange to the money changer and buy my Nintendo 3DS, Pokemon Black, PS3 and Nintendo Wii.

5. A GREAT LOVE LIFE.  Our love is like magic. I would not tell her how I feel, I will not court her, there will just come a time that we would hold hands and knew that it is love and we will be dating from then on. Or I would have court her and on her debut, I will be late, looking like that I wont be able to come, but I will arrive just in time for the 18th rose and give it to her and have our dance. And then she would say yes.

the last will be the only negative here.

6. PS: I have a gf here
I would get an illness that will give limit to my existence. I am dying. I don't want any treatment 'coz I don't want to add financial problems to my family. Since I know I will die sooner or later, I decided to have a single photo with each and every friend of mine. In this story only my family and gf knows that I am dying. Everytime my gf sees I'm doing such she will cry and I'll just tell her to be strong for me. She would even want us to get married first but I rather not to. I'll tell her "Ayokong itali ka sa akin. After I die, I want you to be happy. Have a new love life. Fulfill your dreams. Get a good job. Get married and have a family. I want you to be happy. Promise me to be happy". And at the end of the story, in my hospital room, my family and gf is there watching as the doctor covers me with the white sheet.

 So am I weird and abnormal or what? I just can't help myself. I got tons of wild imaginations. But these 6 are the stories I tend to repeat on imagining. And that's me.
The Abnormal Me
                                    and My Abnormal Dreams

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Random Poem

well I was able to make this poem one morning when I woke up.

Early to bed, early to rise
I want to eat French fries
Birds know how to fly
Maybe one day I will try

I just need some rhyme
Even if it doesn't make sense just like a mime
I don't know why I'm doing this after all
Maybe I'll just hit myself on the wall

well its not much. I just came up with these random thoughts. I just want to make some rhymes:DD

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Bitter Love Quotes

  • sometimes in LOVE. its not being together that matters. but rather, her happiness. even if that happiness means you and her not being together and her being with someone else.

  • in LOVE. disappointments happen because we look for it. we often forget that its LOVE that should find us.

  • hindi naman mahirap magmahal ng iba. kaya lang ito nagmumukhang mahirap dahil hinahayaan nating mabihag ang ating sarili sa taong kailanman hindi maibabalik ang pagmamahal na inaasam



Tuesday, November 1, 2011


yesterday, November 1 our family went to the cemetery. well duh. first we went Tatay Rustico E. Carada(REC)'s at Jardin de San Gabriel Memorial Park. after some time we decided to go to the old cemetery. there. our curiosity started to attack. and we asked questions about the names written in the tombstones.

  • Buenaventura Montoya(BM)
  • Victorio M Carada(VMC)
  • Paciencia E. Carada(PEC)
  • Avelina E Carada(AEC)
  • Buena E. Monotoya (BEM)
  • Dominico V Carada(DVC)
these are the names written in each tombstones. so we asked who is who. and how he/she is related to who.
              First, the relation of BM, PEC and BEM. BM is the first husband of PEC. during PEC's pregnancy, BM died. The person whom PEC is carrying is BEM. But unfortunately BEM arrived at an early death only few months after she was born. Second. PEC-VMC relationship. it is said the Carada clan is originally located in Laguna and Estebat(which is PEC maiden name) lives here in Silang. so we concluded that VMC went here to Silang and there he met PEC. PEC is VMC's second wife. VMC had 5 children from his first wife. PEC's first son with VMC is Atty REC, my grandfather. VMC and PEC's second child is AEC. unfortunately, again, AEC died after few months from birth. leaving REC the only son of VMC and PEC. PEC unfortunately died. VMC had his third wife and they had 3 children. so in total, VMC had 3 wives and 9 children. 

now for Atty Rustico Estebat-Carada's family
         REC married Zenaida B. Velazco, my supah loved grandmother. They had 8 children. Tottit Carada, married Belle Cruz. They had 2 children, Kaye and Miggy. The second child and the first daughter is Mari Paz V Carada, who is still single and my godmother. Third of the siblings is Col Kit Carada. His wife is Mareth Mercado. Francheth, Kenneth and Ayeth are their children. DVC is Kit's twin brother. unfortunately due to circumstances and complications that cannot be avoided during the pregnancy of the twin, DVC died the following day he was born/ The second girl child is my mom, Asela Carada. Marrying Arnel Feliciano and giving birth to us- Mc-ku, Ba-bi, Ranz-o, that's me, Czee-J and I-mari.  The fifth child is Ambie Carada. He married Noreen Luna. Aiyan and Mao is their offsprings. Next in line in this very big family is Gigi Carada. She met an American citizen and then became her husband, Donald Kelly. They are currently living in the United States. Bea and Mikaela is their two daughters. Geline Carada is the 7th and youngest daughter of Rusty and Zeny. He married Dingdong Ramos and Izee is their daughter. Last will be Victorio Jose Carada, the youngest son and child. He is also my godfather. He is presently working in Canada. Still single but we are hoping for a new member of the family.

We are told the the Boy-Girl-Boy-Girl-Boy-Girl-Girl-Boy sequence of the children of ZenTy(Zeny+Rusty) is Tatay's prayer to the Lord our God. and God answered his prayer

and that's our story. 

Monday, October 31, 2011

College Courses

Oh I really find my subjects funny. Funny in a sarcastic kind a way. I want to laugh at it. Laugh in a sarcastic kind a way. My courses are really not new to me. I think only Philosophy, Business Administration and Humanities are new. The rest, its either I have encountered them in HS or at least I have a background. First, English. Subject-Verb Agreement. Spelling. Affixes. Who would have thought that these topics were very hard. These were easy before. WTF. I flunked the quizzes related to these. Next, Theology. Somewhat Religion I guess. But I can't apply a single thing I've learned from Religion I-IV in HS. Maybe some basics like the definition of Bible, Faith, Genesis, Exodus, you know the common and the values. But the others? No. Sad to say but I can't use them in this course. Well History.  All I can say is "course is easy especially when you can fool the prof". Filipino. Well I learned a lot of new things here. Very interesting. The EFF part is that "ang hirap ng ispeling ng mga salitang Filipino". Who would have thought that a pure blooded Filipino who grew in the Philippines will have problems with spelling in this course. College Algebra. Yeah review of HS Algebra. HS Algebra- very easy. Well it is easy indeed. But the given equations are like hell. Very complicated. Takes multiple trials to reach the final answer. Last. NS201: Biological Science. This subject is worse than worst. I used to love Biology. But taking this course makes me hate it a lot. I really don't have enough words to describe and tell you how iI feel this course. But these course really sucks. Its a big pain in the neck. Oh College. I LOVE YOU. Thank you for destroying my dream of being a DL. Thank you for the everyday stress. Thanks a lot. I love you so much. And to show you my love. I WILL FINISH YOU

Some Part Missing

Well I think it's quite a while. I've been having this feeling, maybe so long that I have to write about it. I am one of those carefree, wild, loud, outgoing type of a person. Whenever I say I'm an introvert, people who know me will always disagree. And I am not embarrass nor shy about it. I am proud to be an EXTROVERT type of a person. And this characteristics of mine is the main reason why I feel so down most of the time when I am alone and just thinking about my day. I can't feel nor be the extrovert me. And as much as I don't want to blame me as a corps man, but I just do. I can't have fun, bond as much as my other block mates bond with each other. I feel so left out. Everyday there is something I don't know for the reason that I was not there. I don't like it. I really don't. I want to be with them most of the time. I want to have fun with them. O don't want to be left out- just for the reason that I am a corps man. A dream come true that I am in a dorm. I deal with other people. Bur unfortunately, not what I expected. When I go home to where I am staying now, I have to study or I am just so tired and wanted to sleep. And these are the reasons why I can't, again, bond with my roommates too much. Boarders from the other rooms, whom they just met, are even closer to them. WTF! I feel so left out. It seems that I am JUST HERE. I am here to sleep. I really want to get closer to them. But how? I'm a corps man. I don't have the time. They say that it's good. I experience things other people will never experience. But these experiences are never seen by other people. And the experiences I miss is right in front of me. Shouting at me. I just can't be there. This really sucks. Sucks for me. I don't like these. I want the extrovert me. I want to make some noise and be loud and nobody cares. I miss myself. It seems that some part of me are missing. It seems that I am so incomplete. I feel left out. I feel incomplete. I miss the civilian life. I WANT THE CAREFREE, LOUD, NOISY FRANZ XAVIER C. FELICIANO  

This Wicked Feeling(Just Like Before)

Oh yeah. Freshmen in College. New life. New Beginning. New everything. And fool of me to expect to have a new love life. Its been a year or two since I got into somehow, I really don't know if I can call it like that, a RELATIONSHIP. Oh that Junior Year. And I just can't help myself and I don't know why I keep on remembering and comparing what is happening now to what happened back then. Yes, there maybe be some similarities but who am I to say that it will be the same just like before. Well, who won't. There are just too many similarities. First, I was first struck by her beauty- her white skin,  her long hair her cute smile and I find her physical appearance so perfect just like before. Next, she was liked by so many. My block  mates want to court her, and so do I just like before.  Another is I find it so hard to approach and start a conversation with her just like before. And I am so afraid to tell her how I feel towards, about and to her just like before. But unlike before, my friends are rooting for me. I got so many free time which I can give to a special someone. And I feel so confident about what I am doing and planning to do, which is the exact opposite to what is happening now. My friends are helping another friend of mine to court her. I am so busy being the lowest class in the UST-GCC which takes most of my free time. And I am so afraid to be rejected and/or thing to end up just like before. I am just not sure of myself.  Will I wait for some quite some time before I tell her how I feel just like before? What if, unlike before, she give in to "them"? One more thing, though it is still uncertain,will I or am I really willing to join a cruel game of love when a good friend of mine is involve? Oh this wicked feeling. I thought it is great that finally my heart beat to another, a new girl. But why am I feeling this way. I feel wanting to quit to something that I haven't tried or hasn't started. I feel so uncertain. I feel... I don't know. I really really don't know how and what should I feel. I really don't like what is happening to me. OH THIS WICKED FEELING.


okay the 2 previous post were just a copy-paste of my articles in my Senior Year in High School. the next posts will be also articles/blogs which I wrote during the first semester of AY2011-2012. ENJOY!:D

CAT 2010-2011

 “Being an officer is an obligation and not a position.” These are words we’ve read from a message given to us by a special senior of ours. Let’s just call her Ma’am At Ease. Indeed our training was never easy but all the hard work paid off. We have proven something we never expected we can do. As a matter of fact, I would like to share everything that happened in our training. But as someone who has undergone training would say, “Sir what you see, what you hear, when you go, leave it here, Sir.” Ten months have passed. Ten months of service to our dear IJA. We deal with different students of our school- the disciplined ones and the special ones. Checking their bags, raising or waving the Philippine flag, asking our schoolmates to go back to their classrooms or fall in line, guiding them to their places during school activities, getting angry to those not following school rules, washing waxed hair and many more.  The stress, the pressure we’ve felt while doing such is not what matters, it is the fun we had and the reality that we are doing it for the welfare of the students.
                One of the great things of being an officer is that we are given the chance to show our learning during the training. The CAT Presentation. "The different riffle executions, different facings and fancies, different exhibition. Without bragging or anything, we've had the least time and least interest to practice. We've had the least chance to bond with each other. We've had the shortest minutes of dance number. Yet this is what happened, NEWLY PAINTED RIFLES, NEWLY ADDED RIFLE EXECUTIONS, PERFECT INTRODUCTIONS, WE ARE MARCHING SYNCHRONIZED AND WE LOOKED GREAT WHEN MDME. BUENAOBRA ACQUAINTED EACH OF US, CLOCKWISE DRILLS, PERFECT TIMINGS. We all know why these happened, 'coz we are not assuming! And God is our armour all throughout! Those prayers made us really blessed!"(Angela Joy Rafol) 
                All the hard works paid off and the sweats were replaced by fun. And in behalf of the CAT officers 2010-2011, I, the Bravo Company Commander would like to say “Sir thank you Sir”, “Ma’am thank you Ma’am” to all of our schoolmates, teachers and staff especially to our great commandant, Mr Bernardo Narvaez, our seniors and of course to the one who made it all possible, our Almighty Father.
                Now all I have to say is: “I am one but not the only one” Congratulations Co-officers! Good Luck CAT aspirants and please keep this in mind, the most important General Order is “TO BRING SOMETHING GOOD FOR HUMANITY”. THANK YOU INFANT JESUS ACADEMY!

tuu.sii 2007-2008

My second year life is unique
It is fun and very astig
Nothing like any other years
Because I found very good peers

Adviser-Ms Rhea Mamaki
Long intro ibinigay sa ‘min
Mayroong isang nasabi na tumatak sa isip
Samurai sword kanyang pagmamay-ari

Di tulad ng ibang sekyson
First day sobrang ingay namin
Teachers iisa naisip
Sa 2C ‘di uso discipline

Isang bagay kung bakit kami ay iba
Bilang ng officers ay hindi lima
Di ko na sambitin dalawang SBC
Donna Elzee, Carissa, Jen, Lalaine, Faith officer ng 2C

Plano bale naming magkaroon ng paluwagan
Pero nagpag-alaman ito’y pinagbabawalan
Kaya Lalaine, WMCC namin
Utangan ng klase at si Ric ang nasa top of the list

Oh I remember one fun game
Calling classmates with their second name
Elzee, Clarisse, Philip at Xavier
Mitchelle, Maxine, Rhon at Eleazer

Isa pang bagay na nagpapasaya sa amin
Kanta ng SecondHand Serenade peyborit namin
Because tonight will be the night that I will FALL FOR YOU
Please don’t tell me that I’m the only one that’s VULNERABLE

Dahil kantahan hilig namin
Fall for you lyrics pinaltan
Because tonight will be the shining morning fall for you
One life sharing in love

Seating arrangement pwedeng magrequest
Kaya seatmate ko bahagya ng iisa
Joice Clarise Martinez Sandejas
Best seatmate; best companion

At kahit periodic test enjoy pa rin
Hindi nakakapressure at relax pa rin
Karl and company, Buban and empire
Saway ng guro sa grupong ubod ng ingay

Pero isa sa higit kong ipagmamalaki
Pagkakaibigang hindi kumukupas
Samahang pang habang buhay
Pinagtibay ng bukas na puso at totoong dila

Isang makabuluhang taon aking naransan
Isang taong pinuno ng saya
Kaya salamat kaibigan
Salamat 2C Katarungan