Tuesday, November 1, 2011


yesterday, November 1 our family went to the cemetery. well duh. first we went Tatay Rustico E. Carada(REC)'s at Jardin de San Gabriel Memorial Park. after some time we decided to go to the old cemetery. there. our curiosity started to attack. and we asked questions about the names written in the tombstones.

  • Buenaventura Montoya(BM)
  • Victorio M Carada(VMC)
  • Paciencia E. Carada(PEC)
  • Avelina E Carada(AEC)
  • Buena E. Monotoya (BEM)
  • Dominico V Carada(DVC)
these are the names written in each tombstones. so we asked who is who. and how he/she is related to who.
              First, the relation of BM, PEC and BEM. BM is the first husband of PEC. during PEC's pregnancy, BM died. The person whom PEC is carrying is BEM. But unfortunately BEM arrived at an early death only few months after she was born. Second. PEC-VMC relationship. it is said the Carada clan is originally located in Laguna and Estebat(which is PEC maiden name) lives here in Silang. so we concluded that VMC went here to Silang and there he met PEC. PEC is VMC's second wife. VMC had 5 children from his first wife. PEC's first son with VMC is Atty REC, my grandfather. VMC and PEC's second child is AEC. unfortunately, again, AEC died after few months from birth. leaving REC the only son of VMC and PEC. PEC unfortunately died. VMC had his third wife and they had 3 children. so in total, VMC had 3 wives and 9 children. 

now for Atty Rustico Estebat-Carada's family
         REC married Zenaida B. Velazco, my supah loved grandmother. They had 8 children. Tottit Carada, married Belle Cruz. They had 2 children, Kaye and Miggy. The second child and the first daughter is Mari Paz V Carada, who is still single and my godmother. Third of the siblings is Col Kit Carada. His wife is Mareth Mercado. Francheth, Kenneth and Ayeth are their children. DVC is Kit's twin brother. unfortunately due to circumstances and complications that cannot be avoided during the pregnancy of the twin, DVC died the following day he was born/ The second girl child is my mom, Asela Carada. Marrying Arnel Feliciano and giving birth to us- Mc-ku, Ba-bi, Ranz-o, that's me, Czee-J and I-mari.  The fifth child is Ambie Carada. He married Noreen Luna. Aiyan and Mao is their offsprings. Next in line in this very big family is Gigi Carada. She met an American citizen and then became her husband, Donald Kelly. They are currently living in the United States. Bea and Mikaela is their two daughters. Geline Carada is the 7th and youngest daughter of Rusty and Zeny. He married Dingdong Ramos and Izee is their daughter. Last will be Victorio Jose Carada, the youngest son and child. He is also my godfather. He is presently working in Canada. Still single but we are hoping for a new member of the family.

We are told the the Boy-Girl-Boy-Girl-Boy-Girl-Girl-Boy sequence of the children of ZenTy(Zeny+Rusty) is Tatay's prayer to the Lord our God. and God answered his prayer

and that's our story.